The bristles are longer to reach the unreachable parts of the mouth.
Crisscrossed filament texture with short bristles in the middle to remove plaque.
Unique grip and ergonomic handle for better grip
Tongue cleaner
Date set for toothbrush replacement after three months
Variety of colors

The best option for a fixed orthodontic course

Do you think there is a better place for bacteria and plaque than on the surface of the teeth? yes! Wires and brackets on the orthodontic teeth are the best places for oral bacteria accumulation and activity.

These wires are used to improve the appearance of your teeth, but if you are not careful, bacteria and sediments will take full advantage of this situation and eventually leave you with damaged and rotten teeth. Therefore, following the orthodontic courses, you should be careful and have a special plan to maintain and protect your teeth.

You must learn about the correct method of brushing and choose a suitable and standard toothbrush to pass through this period healthy. 

Orthodontic toothbrush with its basic and unique features can be one of the best options for the orthodontic treatment period.

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